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Calendar of Experiences, Activities and Events

Birds Up Close: Ornithology Weekend

Saturday, April 27, 9:00am-4:00pm & Sunday, April 28, 6:00am-12:00pm
Wenatchee River Institute - 347 Division St., Leavenworth, WA 98826

Get to know birds like never before in this weekend-long exploration with ornithologist, Suzanne Tomassi. You'll get the chance to see live, wild birds up-close!

If you have an interest in birds and want to know more about the science behind them, this course is for you. A large component of the weekend will be focused on field methods and putting them into practice during a day of netting, measuring, and releasing passerines (songbirds). No prior experience is necessary. This course has been updated to expand on the most fascinating characteristics of birds, and will emphasize field techniques and an in-depth firsthand account of the instructor's avian research in Borneo.

Course Structure:
Day 1: 9:00am-4:00pm
The morning will be lecture format with slides, video, and real examples of feathers, skulls, and nests to observe. We'll go through an overview of bird biology, touching on evolutionary history, anatomy and physiology, behavior, and more. After a quick lunch break, we'll go over field methods for netting birds and discuss some of the gear involved, and go outside to practice setting up the equipment. We'll hear how our instructor used these field methods in her 10-year field study in Borneo, and see some beautiful photos of the amazing birds she got to work with.

Day 2: 6:00am-12:00pm
Our second day starts early! We'll set up mist-nets to trap and measure birds using the techniques we learned about on Day 1. With a little luck, we'll catch some birds and participants will be able to take photos and learn to handle a bird in a “ringer’s grip,” before releasing them back into the wild. In the late morning, we'll take down the nets and wrap up with a brief discussion on how to attract the birds we've seen to backyards.

Both days of the course are question-driven, meaning that participants should speak up at any time with questions and interests on expanding a topic. Suzanne is happy to adjust course content to meet interests.

Capacity: 15 people

Cost: $75 members, $90 non-members
At checkout, members use code: ilovebirds
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We want anyone who is interested to be able to participate in outdoor education. If cost is a barrier for you to participate, follow the 'Financial Access Form' link below.
