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Come bird with us in Leavenworth and beyond!

Bird Fest

Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest


The Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest, put on by the Wenatchee River Institute and North Central Washington Audubon Society, occurs every 3rd weekend in May. Planning is underway and we can't wait to see you all. The dates for the 23rd annual Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest are:

May 15-18, 2025

The annual Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest promotes conservation through educational and recreational activities about birds, wildlife, and their environments.

Come bird with us, discovering the natural beauty and wonders of North Central Washington!

Celebrate the return of migratory birds in the midst of peak wildflower season. Enjoy the excitement of birding field trips and workshops. Take part in speaker events, music, visual arts, picnics, and activities for all ages and abilities. All of this is happening in beautiful Leavenworth, WA and throughout the Wenatchee River Valley. Bird Fest happens in association with World Migratory Bird Day. Bird Fest contributes a list of all birds seen during the festival to eBird, the world’s largest biodiversity-related community science project.

An orange t-shirt with a western tanager bird that says Bird Fest Leavenworth

Show off your love of birds with our 2025 Bird Fest T-shirt! Available for presale through April 24th when you register for trips. We will have a limited supply for sale during the event but sizes can only be guaranteed during presale.

Front is as pictured. Back will include logos of our Bird Fest 2025 sponsors.

For sizing information please see here.

Thank you for your interest in Bird Fest! More information will be posted here as it becomes available.


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