Red Barn Event: Hiking Washington's History
For thousands of years, people have moved across Washington's spectacular terrain, establishing footpaths to reach summer hunting and gathering grounds, then roads to mineral discoveries high in the mountains; fishing sites and trade emporiums on the rivers, forests of old-growth trees to harvest and log, and homesteads and towns on prairies. Bentley will describe some of these ancient and more recent paths now preserved, restored, and maintained for hiking. Her talk and slides will draw from 44 historic hikes and more described with co-author Craig Romano in the second edition of Hiking Washington's History, published in 2021.
This is a FREE event with a donation basket at door. A Book for All Seasons will be at this event to sell Judy's book.
Doors open at 6:30pm for a community social with beer and wine available for purchase. Judy's presentation will start at 7:00pm.
Speaker Bio: Judy Bentley taught Pacific Northwest history at South Seattle College for more than twenty years. She is an avid hiker and author of 15 young adult books as well as two guides to hiking and walking Washington history, published by the University of Washington Press.
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