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Online Educational Resources

Independent Programs

Adult Focused

Adult Focused

Learn With the Wenatchee River Institute Through a Plant ID Mini-series!

Wenatchee Naturalist Blog

Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board: Seeing Salmon- Learn about our local salmon species and see which species are swimming and/or spawning in the river based on the month.

Community Science Projects:


YouTube Series to Follow:

Documentaries to Watch:

  • Plastic Wars: With the plastic industry expanding like never before and the crisis of ocean pollution growing, FRONTLINE and NPR investigate the fight over the future of plastics.
  • Night on Earth: When the sun goes down, a new world awakes. New technology reveals wonders of the planet in a completely new light.
  • Cowspiracy: uncovering the most destructive industry facing the planet today – and investigating why the world’s leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it.
  • 2040: an optimistic approach that shows how embracing solutions already available to us, and shifting them into the mainstream, can help combat climate change and improve our planet for future generations.
  • Wild and Scenic Films for Social Distancing: All across the globe humans are feeling the impacts of COVID-19 and the social distancing and time at home that come with it. With this in mind, they couldn’t think of a better time to share some past Wild & Scenic Official Selections with you. They plan to put a new film up every few days so be sure to check back often. 

Live Cameras:

Book Recommendations:

Apps to Use:

  • iNaturalist 
  • Merlin bird ID 
  • Sky View 
  • National Wildlife Federation- NEW!

Check out these neat projects happening in our region!
