Elementary Focused

Learn with Wenatchee River Institute staff through these video lessons and an activity/discussion guide that accompanies them!
- Signs of Spring: Video | Activity Sheet
- Science of Wildfires: Video | Activity Sheet
- Coyote Eats the Sun: Video | Activity Sheet
- Masters of Disguise & Display: Video | Activity Sheet
- All About Birds!: Video | Activity Sheet
- Rockin' Out in North Central Washington: Video | Activity Sheet
- Ecosystems of Leavenworth & Wenatchee: Video | K-2 Activity Sheet | 3-5 Activity Sheet
- Animal Homes: Video | Activity Sheet
- Why Do Animals Behave the Way They Do?: Video | Activity Sheet
- All About Insects: Video | Activity Sheet
- What is a Naturalist?: Video | Activity Sheet
You can also access these video lessons on our Google Classroom (code 5ar3pc7). Here, you can post what you observed, questions that arose, or pages from your nature journal.
Plant ID Mini-Series: Watch these videos and see if you can find these plants in your backyard or neighborhood!
- Episode 1: Serviceberry
- Episode 2: Arrowleaf Balsamroot
- Episode 3: Non-Plant Special - Morel Mushrooms
- Episode 4: Red Osier Dogwood
- Episode 5: Yarrow
- Episode 6: Broadleaf Lupine
- Episode 7: Thimbleberry
- Episode 8: Big Sagebrush
- Episode 9: Antelope Bitterbrush
- Episode 10: Blue Elderberry
- Episode 11: Ocean-spray
- Episode 12: Phantom Orchid
- Episode 13: Mock Orange
- Episode 14: Western Red Cedar
- Episode 15: Goldenrod
- Episode 16: Snowberry
- Episode 17: Quaking Aspen
- Episode 18: Bracken Fern
- Episode 19: Mullein
- Episode 20: Chanterelle Mushrooms
- Wenatchee Naturalist Blog - Curious about local flora and fauna in the Wenatchee Foothills? Read this blog to learn about native plants, citizen science, backyard birding, and much more!
- Washington Native Plant Society- learn about Washington Native plants with fun coloring pages, educational videos, and activities including scavenger hunts!
- Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board: Seeing Salmon- Learn about our local salmon species and see which species are swimming and/or spawning in the river based on the month.
- River Simulator – Use this simulator to see the path that water takes as it flows from a river to the ocean!
- HomeSchool SnowSchool - Learn how to identify animal tracks in the snow or learn more about how snow crystals are formed.
- Nature Vision
- PBS Learning Media: Earth and Space Science
- National Science Foundation: Earth & Environment Resources
- BrainPOP Jr: Science - Many fun activities about conservation, animals, plants, and much more!
- National Geographic Kids
- Mystery Science lesson: How can you find animals in the woods? Mystery Science has lots of science lessons for remote learning, categorized by age!
- Science Podcasts for Kids
- Storytime From Space - While in space, astronauts are videotaping themselves reading books to the children of Earth.
- North Central Regional Library's Interview with an Aspiring Herpetologist
- Iridophore - Wenatchee-based aspiring Herpetologist's YouTube Channel
- TED-Ed: Vultures
- Curious about how humans, animals, and all other things on Earth live here? Check out this awesome Earth's Spheres and Natural Resources Crash Course YouTube Channel.
- San Diego Zoo Cameras - Including polar bears, burrowing owls, koalas, and more!
- San Francisco Bay Ospreys Camera
- Monterey Bay Aquarium Cameras
- Panda Cam
- Houston Zoo
- Georgia Aquarium - Beluga Whale Web Cam
- Build a Cardboard Dome
- Build a Cotton Ball Launcher
- Make Your Own Catapult
- Make Your Own Hovercraft
- Tallest Tower Challenge - All you need is spaghetti & marshmallows!
- Dissect an Owl Pellet - Virtually!
- Birdsleuth Explorer's Guidebook - Printable activity booklet.
- All About Feathers
- All About Birds Media library - Includes "How to Identify Bird Songs," "How Woodpeckers Avoid Brain Injury," and much more.
- Why Is Spring So Noisy? - Exploration with adaptations for different grade levels.
- Make Your Own Hummingbird Feeder From Recycled Soda Bottles
- Western U.S. Wildflower Coloring Pages
- Yosemite Coloring - There are other art project ideas at the link, too!