Bike & Explore Camp with WRI and Evergreen

Bike and Explore Camp
Kids ages 6-10 are invited to join us for 5 full days of riding their bike and exploring nature in a safe and supportive environment!
Morning Session: From 9am - Noon each day, participants will be learning mountain bike skills such as body position and balance, braking, climbing and descending techniques, gearing and shifting, wheel lifts, cornering, and other trail skills to help build confidence on singletrack trails. Campers will even have a chance to join Evergreen trail builders one day to learn the basics of trail maintenance and help give back to the trails we all love!
Lunch & Shuttle: Noon to 1pm participants will eat lunch (not provided) and be transported, along with their bike, to the Wenatchee River Institute.
Afternoon Session: From 1 - 3pm, participants will spend their time learning with Wenatchee River Institute, exploring the natural world of Barn Beach Reserve and beyond! Explore wooded trails, the winding river bank, and tall meadow grasses. Have fun and make new discoveries while playing lots of games!
You will drop off your child each day at 9am at Ski Hill and pick your child up at 3pm at Wenatchee River Institute, 347 Division St, Leavenworth
Participants must be 6-10 years old.
Class Focus:
Balance: track stands, skinnies, and bike games
Uphill and Downhill: safer and faster
Obstacles: logs, roots, and rocks
Drops and Jumps: rollers, drops and beginning jumps
Trail maintenance: One morning session will be focused on giving back to the trails we love and learning the basics of trail building
Students are responsible for supplying their own bike and equipment for all Evergreen classes & camps.
SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE based on financial need! Contact for more details.