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Calendar of Experiences, Activities and Events

Red Barn Event: Pacific Salmon in a Changing Climate

Wednesday, October 9, 2019
7:00 pm8:30 pm
Red Barn, Wenatchee River Institute, 347 Division Street, Leavenworth

Doors open at 6:30pm for community social and no-host refreshments, presentation begins at 7:00pm.

Pacific salmon have survived volcanic eruptions, repeated glaciations, and shifting rivers. They have also experienced many human-caused changes to their environment, such as the commercial fishing boom of the late 1800s and an era of dam building. Pacific salmon now face additional stressors related to climate change, including increased stream temperatures and altered river flows.

Oct. 9, Leavenworth resident Tracy Bowerman will discuss the adaptations salmon have evolved in order to persist in a highly dynamic environment and how they have responded to recent climatic shifts. Bowerman presents the latest research on how climate change is expected to affect future salmon populations and other organisms that rely on salmon for food and nutrients.

Bowerman has a Ph.D. in Aquatic Ecology from Utah St. University where she studied bull trout populations and conservation biology. She currently conducts research on salmon and trout throughout the Columbia River Basin.

Photo courtesy of Barrie Kovich and Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission.
