Christmas Bird Count with WRI
December 14th is North Central Washington Audubon's Christmas Bird Count day! Wenatchee River Institute is partnering with NCW Audubon Society to lead one of the routes along the Waterfront Trail here in Leavenworth. Audubon and other organizations will use our data collected in this long-running wildlife census to assess the health of bird populations, and to help guide conservation actions.
We will all start the bird count at 9am at Wenatchee River Institute. You are not required to stay for the whole bird walk, but can join for any amount of time. WRI staff will stay for the entire route. No registration required.
All birding skills are welcome! Bring binoculars, limited supply available from WRI. Dress for cold weather and non-aerobic time outside. Bring snacks for your personal fuel!
We will meet at Wenatchee River Institute, 347 Division Street in Leavenworth. From there we will walk the route given to us from NCW Audubon.