The Geology of Yellowstone Country by Wenatchee Valley Erratics
The Wenatchee Valley Erratics, Ice Age Floods Institute’s next Zoom program will be on Tuesday, February 8 at 7:00 PM. Dr. Rob Thomas, Regents Professor of Geology at the University of Montana, will discuss “The Geology of Yellowstone Country”
The Yellowstone Plateau volcanic field is one of the largest, most violent volcanic regions on earth. Over the last 17 million years, the “Yellowstone hot spot” has left a track of volcanic scars and deposits as the North American plate slowly moves southwest across this giant source of heat. To understand the geology of the Yellowstone region, however, we must understand the geologic history of Yellowstone Country from the beginning. So, in this presentation we will explore not only the active volcanic center, but also the 4 billion years of geologic history that preceded it.
Dr. Thomas co-authored the second editions of “Roadside Geology of Yellowstone Country” (2011) and “Roadside Geology of Montana” (2020).
ZOOM link: