"It’s all about the Timing, Topography and [Rock] Type" by Wenatchee Valley Erratics
The Wenatchee Valley Erratics, Ice Age Floods Institute’s next program will be on Tuesday, October 11 at 7:00 PM at the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center. Brent Cunderla, long-time Erratics’ president, will discuss “It’s all about the Timing, Topography and [Rock] Type.”
Timing of the Pleistocene Cordilleran Ice Sheet with topography (Purcell Trench in northern Idaho, and the Okanogan Valley) allowed blockage-forming glacial lakes. Ice dams created Glacial Lakes Missoula and Columbia. Break-up of ice dams caused lake flood waters to surge across eastern and central Washington to the Pacific Ocean, in two to three days, possibly 100 times over a few thousand years. The nature in which the basalt bedrock and deep loess soils were then eroded created the unique landscapes we see today in eastern Washington.
Brent will highlight some of the Ice Age Floods pathways in north-central Washington, emphasizing the Grand and Moses coulees and the Columbia Valley north of Wenatchee.
This is a bi-modal meeting. You can attend in-person at the Museum. If so, please wear a mask to protect yourself and others. OR, you can participate via a Zoom link on your computer at home:
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84812873290
Passcode: erratics
webinar ID: 84812873290