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Calendar of Experiences, Activities and Events

Red Barn Event - Our Valley, Our Light Pollution

The image shows a lake with star trails.

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Doors open at 6:30pm for a community social with beer, wine, sparkling water, and tea available for purchase. The presentation will start at 7:00pm.

Light pollution affects more than just the natural dark sky and star visibility, it affects our local ecosystems and wastes money. Join Paul Tomas with the Wenatchee Valley Astronomy Club and learn how our communities are lighting up the valley - and not in a good way. Paul will discuss what light pollution is, different ways to reduce our light pollution, and how to talk with others that may be unintentionally lighting the dark sky.

Today over 80% of the world lives under sky glow. Paul will discuss ways we can collect data through a citizen scientist program. These programs help others understand how our valley and the world around us is changing and show how light pollution is on the rise due to lack of awareness.

About the Presenter:

Paul Tomas is an avid environmental educator with a passion for astronomy. For over 8 years, he has worked as a Park Ranger organizing and conducting interpretive programs covering various subjects from Snowshoe nature hikes to Astronomy Programs. During his work as a Park Ranger, he has worked to change local parks into dark sky havens by advocating for Dark Skies and retrofitting exterior lights in parks. Paul Tomas is the founder of the Wenatchee Valley Astronomy Club. This local club gives local astronomers of all experience levels a place in this valley to come together to form new connections, friendships, and share with each other all things astronomy.

Photo credit Juan Aguilera
